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Here are some basic computer skills, a soft line or e-learning should have the skills list of distance education. I will set out a list of tasks and recommended packages, you must learn to acquire knowledge and practice. For example, it should be possible to know requires the teaching of basic computer hardware for online learning. Equally important is the knowledge base operating system and application software. The operating system is better known as Windows known. There is also software for almost everything you want with your computer to download the software application for image editing, film, music production, film and television, and much more. Here's the list of the skills required before a student may be ready for online distance education. Learner must Learn1 distance charges. Identification of the mobile storage device for files and other forms of San Diego Chargers jersey
data such as flash drives, DVD, CD, MP3 ETC2. To create folders and navigate through a directory to find files on these devices.
3. How to make cut and paste, delete, edit and save a text document.
4. How to make cut and paste, delete, edit and save document to a table.
5. Via the Internet using a modem6. To configure an e-mail account, and bookmark their favorite sites on the Internet7. To create a list of groups e-mail to an e-mail book8. How to register and connect to the Internet via Google, Yahoo, AOL, MSN, or find another line directory9. How to download and install plug-ins for players, Media Player Image Viewer etcIf who are competent in the skill sets above, you are ready for online education is viable by the Internet and other electronic formats are rich in this new form of service system of learning content.
A student at a distance and costs advanced eLearn find these tools very useful for computer training and online learning. With this product you need any books or software required - just a Windows PC with Internet Explorer / Firefox. Print certificates of Chicago Bears jersey
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