
d the horsemen, that is, in relation to Pharaoh’s entire army that followed them into the sea; not one of them remained” (Exod 14:28).2. P

of this synonymous parallelism indicate his feeling of being cast away, or discarded. The picture painted by the verb is that David has become as a locust that is casually flicked away from a man’s garment. Surely David was not describing his own demise and death! The context of Ps 136, which states that God “brought Israel out from their midst . . . with a strong hand and an outstretched arm” (Ps 136:11–12), confirms that the unequalled might of God is the thrust of the passage, thus accentuating the ease with which he shook off Israel’s adversary: the mighty Egyptian army.Another argument against the view that Ps 136:15 signals the death of pharaoh is that this verse is probably taken from Exod 14:27, which uses the same verb, “to shake off,” but (purposefully?) omits pharaoh from the list of those whom the Lord shook off from the Israelites’ garments. Instead, the text clearly states, “I [God] will be honored through pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord” (Exod 14:4; cf. 14:17). God was honored through pharaoh in the mass destruction of his army, but pharaoh did not have to die for this to occur.61 In Ps 136:15, the psalm writer was not rejoicing over the death of anyone, but that almighty God shook off the Egyptians from Israel’s garments by freeing them from their enemy’s clutches.3. The Death and Regnal Length of Amenhotep II.Under what circumstances, then, did Amenhotep II die? Fortunately, his mummified corpse has been preserved.62 Victor Loret, fresh from his discovery of the tomb of Thutmose III in the Valley of the Kings, discovered the royal tomb of Amenhotep II on 9 March 1898. Confirmation that this burial chamber belonged to Amenhotep II came when Loret identified his nomen and praenomen on the painted, quartzite sarcophagus. This magnificent sepulcher represented a first for the excavations in the Valley of the Kings, as the king actually was found in place in his own sarcophagus, albeit lying in a replacement cartonnage coffin.63a. An Indisputable Regnal Length of at Least 26 Years.While Thutmose III is documented to have died in Year 54, no evidence exists to date explicitly the regnal year of Amenhotep II’s death. The highest known regnal date among the indisputable evidence, Year 26, is inscribed on a wine juglet from the king’s Theban funerary temple.64 Redford, using questionable logic, asserts that since the juglet was found in the king’s funerary temple, Year 26 represents the end of his reign.65 Wente and Van Siclen dispute this assertion, though, showing evidence for the long-term storage of wine, and the active functioning of Egyptian mortuary temples long before the deaths of the pharaohs for whom they were built.66b. A Possible Regnal Length of at Least 30 or 35 Years.One source contributing to the argument that Amenhotep II reigned beyond 26 years is BM 10056. At least one scholar dates a fragmentary regnal year in v. 9,8 of this papyrus to “Year 30,” though he admits that the number also could be read differently, such as “Year 35.”67 If one of these readings is correct, Amenhotep II’s reign lasted at least 30 or 35 years. Many scholars have postulated that he reigned beyond 30 years because he observed a regnal jubilee called a sed festival, a celebration that historically marked the 30th year of a pharaoh’s reign. While the sed festival was used for centuries to honor this regnal anniversary,68 Der Manuelian warns against concluding too much about the regnal length of Amenhotep II just because he celebrated one: “No dates accompany the jubilee monuments [of Amenhotep II], and our understanding of the jubilee institution is too imperfect to allow us to assign an automatic ‘30th year’ at every mention of a hb-sed festival.”69c. A Possible Regnal Length of Exactly 37 1/3 Years.Certainly caution must be exercised before assigning a 30-year reign automatically to every pharaoh who celebrated this event, but the sed festival of Amenhotep II just may signify that his reign exceeded 30 years. More conclusive than the sed-festival evidence is that from Thutmose IV’s Lateran Obelisk, which was erected a full 35 years after the death of Thutmose III, to whom it was dedicated. Wente and Van Siclen suggest that the 35 years marks the length of the interceding reign of Amenhotep II minus the coregency with his father, which is known to be 2 1/3 years.70 If their argumentation is correct, Amenhotep II reigned exactly 37 1/3years, making him 55 years of age at the time of his death.d. A Lifespan of 55 Years.A lifespan of 55 years for Amenhotep II is deduced by adding his 37 1/3-year reign to the 18 years he lived before his coronation, a number taken from the larger of the two Sphinx Stelae of Amenhotep II: “Now his majesty appeared as king as a fine youth . . . having completed 18 years in his strength . . . ; now after these things, his majesty appeared as king.”71 An X-ray investigation of the royal mummies may assist in dating his regnal length. After an examination of the mummy of Amenhotep II,

he was estimated to have died at 44 years of age,
72 meaning that a 55-year lifespan exceeds the projections of the X-ray evidence, and thus is “an impossibly high result according to the medical evidence.”73 Yet Robins is convinced that when identifying a pharaoh’s age at death, there is good reason to cast doubt on X-ray evidence as a whole.74 Support for this criticism is found in the discrepancy over Thutmose III’s lifespan.75 While he lived at least until age 55, his mummy reportedly displays skeletal features of a man of 40–45 years old, meaning that the X-ray evidence makes him appear no less than 10–15 years younger than his actual age at death.76 Thus the 10-year discrepancy with Amenhotep II’s mummy is not problematic, and a reign of 37 1/3 years remains a fully realistic option.VI. THE SECOND ASIATIC CAMPAIGN AS THE RESULT OF THE EXODUS1. The Great Reduction in Campaigning and Expansionism.The renowned conqueror Thutmose III led 17 military campaigns into the Levant, but his son—in stark contrast—led only two or three. While many scholars have attempted to determine the exact number, there exists a virtual dearth of discussion about this sharp decline. Aharoni attributes it to an underlying diminishment of Egyptian power: “Already in the days of Amenhotep II, the son of Thutmose III, cracks began to appear in the structure of the Egyptian Empire.”77 Vandersleyen hints at the dissipation of Egypt’s might by the end of Amenhotep II’s reign: “It seems possible to consider this reign as unsuccessful, a time of decline: a few exploits abroad, a few preserved memorials, an almost complete absence of sources after the ninth year of the reign.”78 Yet the intervening years featured neither Egypt’s engagement/loss in war nor a significant change in the political climate. Der Manuelian writes, “Despite Thutmose III’s military success, Mitanni remained Egypt’s primary adversary in Dynasty 18, and there is no reason to doubt her continued aggressive polearn french

aced the three skulls in an “odd and clearly ceremonial configuration” (J&P 2007: 109, 123, 131). Gibson also had that impression, sug

of the Temple described in the Temple Scoll is of a flat roof as well. The same is also true of the “Ezekiel Temple” (Ezek. 40-48). One would assume that the Third Temple would have a flat roof as well.At least one chevron appears on an Iron Age tomb that was exposed just south of Jaffa Gate. Shimon Gibson was one of the excavators and this author was on his team. (Broshi and Gibson 1994: 147-150, picture on page 149. The tomb on the right has a chevron above the entrance.)James Tabor was examining an ossuary found in the Kidron Valley that had three inscriptions on it. One read “Alexander/(son of) Simon”, another read “Simon Ale/Alexander/(son) of Simon,” and also “of Alexander/Alexander QRNYT” ossuary (Avigad 1962: 9-11). Tabor claims that with the lighting just right, he saw “a chevron forming a circular gouge [modern or ancient?] to produce an inverted ‘V’ enclosing a dark circle” (J&P 2007: 129). In his report, Avigad says nothing about this. It would be surprising if something like this was missed by the keen observant eyes of Avigad.I suspect that the chevron was an unfinished molding of a façade of a tomb that depicted a gabled roof with pediment and a circle, possibly a wreath, similar to the “Tomb of the Grapes” (Avigad 1950-51: 99, 100). Avigad also mentions that there are similar entrances in the southern necropolis of Jerusalem (1950-51: 100; footnote 7). The chevron could also represent a nefesh (Rahmani 1968: 220-225, Plate 23; 1994a: 28, 29; 1994b: 198-203). Wreaths are also known on ossuaries (Rahmani 1972: 113-116).The skulls on the floor of the tomb and the façade with an inverted chevron and circle underneath it are Second Temple phenomena. The connection with the Knight Templars is pure speculation and not based on facts. Thus there are no Masonic connections with this tomb.Other Factual ErrorsThere are factual mistakes that would have been caught if the book had been peer-reviewed and also fact-checked by the publisher prior to publication. For example, Beth Shemesh was not the ancient home of Samson (J&P 2007: 31), it was Zorah (Judges 13:2; 16:31). It is not a legend that the Judeo-Christians fled to Pella (J&P 2007: 36), but an event based in historical reality (Pritz 1988: 122-127). Pritz’s book is even quoted in the bibliography (J&P 2007: 214). John the Baptizer was not beheaded by Herod the Great (J&P 2007: 63), but rather, by his son Herod Antipas (Hoehner 1980: 110-171). The Aegean Islands do not spread “westward in long chains to the volcanic remnants of Thera” from Mt. Athos (J&P 2007: 95). Thera (Santorini) is to the south of Mt. Athos, and the only chain of islands are the Sporades and beyond them is the island of Evia and then the mainland of Greece.The Best ExplanationIn the spring of 1979, while I was a graduate student at the Institute for Holy Land Studies studying archaeology and the history of ancient Israel in Jerusalem, I attended a fascinating series of lectures at the Albright Institute in Jerusalem on ancient Jewish burial practices by Dr. Levi Rahmani. His last lecture was on ossuaries and the Jewish practice of secondary burials during the Second Temple Period. This lecture was later published in Biblical Archaeologist (Rahmani 1982). During the question and answer period, Father Pierre Benoit, the director of the Ecole Biblique, the French School of Archaeology in Jerusalem, asked Dr. Rahmani a loaded question. “Would Jesus’ bones have been placed in an ossuary?” His response was a classic. “Yes, they would have been, but something unexplainable happened!”The best explanation for the unexplainable was given by the angel who rolled away the stone from the entrance to the empty tomb. He said, “…He is not here, for He is risen as He said” (Matt. 28:6)!The events that transpired during the previous few days were all predicted by the Hebrew prophets hundreds of years before they happened. In fact, there were over thirty prophecies that were

Fulfilled during the last day of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus.
King David was also a prophet (Acts 2:30). Nearly a thousand years before the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus, David gave a vivid prophetic description of the event (Psalm 22), beginning with the cry from the cross: “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (22:1; cf. Matt. 27:46). David gave the reason God forsook His Son: because the Lord is holy (22:3). God could not look upon sin, even when all the sins of all humanity were being placed on His sinless Son. David also predicted the mockery and reproach by the crowd as Jesus was being crucified (22:6-8, 12-13; cf. Matt. 27:39-44). He foretold of the bones being out of joint and His hands and feet being pierced (22:14-17; cf. John 20:20), and even the casting of lots for his garments by the Roman soldiers (22:18; cf. Matt. 27:35; John 19:24). David also predicted that not one bone in His body would be broken (Ps. 34:20, cf. Ex. 12:46; Num. 9:12; see also John 19:36). This fulfilled the picture of the Lord Jesus being the unblemished Passover Lamb that wRosetta Stone Spanish


10 Mar 11 Enrolled Agent Exam Review Questions Explained

Enrolled Agent Exam Review Questions ExplainedBy: Sawyer Adams .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet Pack of twelve number two pencils: $2. Desktop pencil sharpener: $1. College-ruled notepaper: $4. Actually being prepared for the Enrolled Agent Exam (which, for the record, is given by puter): Priceless.It is been said that tests gauge how much a person knows on a given subject. But that's not entirely true. In reality, tests-- including the Enrolled Agent Exam-- measure preparedness. While knowing the material is crucial, it is important to note that smarts do not necessarily translate into higher test scores. Even if you could memorize the entire tax code, it is possible to fail without an understanding of how to take the exam.The IRS EA exam, officially known as the SEE Exam (Special Enrollment Examination), is a three-part test administered by Prometric on behalf of the IRS. Each part consists of 100 questions, which you'll have three and a half hours to plete, and a passing score on each part is required before the IRS will allow an enrolled agent to practice. The three parts of the EA test include a section on Individual tax laws, a middle section on Business tax laws, and a third on Representation, Practices and Procedures. The entire SEE test consists of multiple-choice questions, which fall into one of the following formats:Format 1 -- Direct questionExample: Which of the following entities are required to file Form 709, United States Gift Tax Return?A. An individualB. An estate or trustC. A corporationD. All of the aboveFormat 2 -- Inplete sentenceExample: Supplemental wages are pensation paid in addition to an employee's regular wages. They do not include payments for:A. Accumulated sick leaveB. Nondeductible moving expensesC. Vacation payD. Travel reimbursements paid at the Federal Government per diem rateFormat 3 -- All of the following exceptExample: There are five tests which must be met for you to claim an exemption for a dependent. Which of the following is not a requirement?A. Citizen or Resident TestB. Member of Household or Relationship TestC. Disability TestD. Joint Return TestEach EA test is given via puter, which allows examinees to mark questions and review their answers at the end. One hundred questions in three and a half hours gives test takers approximately two minutes for each question-- so if an average time of one and a half minutes is taken on each question, you will have time to go over your answers at the end of the test.The EA exam score depends solely on the number of questions answered correctly. Incorrect answers and unanswered questions do not count against a score-- meaning that, on difficult questions, guessing is a better strategy than skipping. Rather than agonizing over a difficult question, a guess will allow you to focus on easier questions, as well as giving you more time to go over "guessed" answers at the end. Moreover, a guess has a 25% chance of being correct, whereas a blank question has a whopping 0% chance.SEE statistics indicate that roughly half of the test takers will not pass on the first attempt. While difficult, the test is not impossible. The best way to prepare for the exam is to take as many SEE sample questions as possible leading up to your first SEE test date.Now, there certainly exists a person out there with an inexplicable ability to memorize tax information, or with thousands of hours of tax experience, or with a very well-hidden cheat sheet, who can walk into a Prometric test center with no preparation and a bundle of number two pencils and still manage to pass the Special Enrollment Exam. But even the most seasoned tax preparers can be humbled by the test, so it is important to make sure you are well-prepared for the task at hand. (And leave the pencil sharpener at home.)Article Source: abcarticledirectoryFast Forward Academy is a leading publisher of IRS enrolled agent exam study guides, SEE Test practice questions and continuing education for all tax professionals. Information on the pany including free access to an online question bank for the EA exam is available on their website.Note: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, Sawyer AdamsRetargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? Share It With YourFriends!Please Rate this Article 5 out of 54 out of 53 out of 52 out of 51 out of 5 Not yet Rated Click the XML Icon to Receive Free Articles About Auditing via RSS!Additional Articles From - Home Accounting AuditingWhat you need to know about Auditing from the experts.- By : john newportCulture and business proposition- By : foxhatsNavigating Miscellaneous Itemized Deductions- By : Sawyer AdamsAbout The National Association Of Enrolled Agents (NAEA)- By : Sawyer AdamsThe History Of Enrolled Agents- By : Sawyer AdamsThe Canon Sd780is Black Silver Gold Red - Very Nice Christmas Gift- By : ArticleSubmit AutoIRS Increasing Enforcement Activity- By : Sawyer AdamsDestination Military Surplus Products- By : Ali Khan5 Tips For Getting The Right Health Insurance For Your Needs- By : danica12 Quick Tips For Eye Shadow- By : Ali Khan Still Searching? Last Chance to find what you're looking for. Try using Bing Search!


5 Mar 11 What Must I Invest To Have Big Success In Network Marketing?

What Must I Invest To Have Big Success In Network Marketing?By: Elise Hong .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet The theory "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" is true in network marketing just as it is in all aspect of business and non-business life. If you invest or plant NHL Jersey
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24 Jan 11 Texas Aamp;M at Oklahoma State Football: Live Blog, Stats, and Analysis

Ronald Martinez/Getty ImagesFeature Columnist Tom Baer here, live blogging the Texas AM-Oklahoma State Big 12 South matchup from Boone Pickens Stadium in Stillwater. No. 24 Oklahoma State enters the contest 3-0 behind the arm of junior signal-caller Brandon Weeden, who ranks second nationally with a 186.33 passer rating. Texas AM comes into this evening's game after eating up three weak non-conference opponents (Stephen F. Austin, Louisiana Tech, and Florida International). Is the Aggies' 3-0 record legit, or has AM simply feasted on cupcakes? Reebok New England Patriots #12 Tom Brady Realtree camo Jersey
Join me at 7:30 PM ET to find out 11:36 PM ETIn a nutshell...First half: All AM.Third quarter: All OKST.First 12 minutes of fourth quarter: All AM.Final three minutes: All OKST.Johnson put up huge numbers, but his five turnovers (4 INT, 1 FUM) cost the Aggies the game. Weeden started off poorly, but rallied in the second half to push No. 24 OSU to 4-0.This is Tom Baer signing off. Thanks for reading... 11:33 PM ETIndividual Statistics - PassingWeeden, OKST: 28-42, 284 YDS, 2 TD, 2 INTJohnson, AM: 40-62, 409 yards, 5 TD, 4 INT 11:32 PM ETTeam Statistics:Oklahoma State: 350 total yards, 284 passing, 66 rushing, 3 turnoversTexas AM: 485 total yards, 409 passing, 76 rushing, 5 turnovers 11:30 PM ETStatistics forthcoming... 11:29 PM ETGOOD. Oklahoma State wins the shootout, 38-35. 11:28 PM ET...timeout. And the kick is... 11:28 PM ETHere we go. Looks to be a 41-yard FG attempt. And the kick is... 11:27 PM ETRun up the middle. Timeout with two seconds left. 11:27 PM ETDown to 31-yard line, 10 seconds. One more play, then field goal attempt. 11:25 PM ETTime for two plays and a field goal. Can Weeden do it? 11:25 PM ETInterception OKST, brought back to AM 40 with 16 second left. What a finish! 11:24 PM ETJohnson: 13 turnovers in three games. 11:24 PM ETTimeout Aggies. Twenty-six seconds left. Johnson now over 400 yards passing. 11:23 PM ETFirst down AM. 11:22 PM ET3rd-and-7, 44 seconds remaining. 11:21 PM ETDon't think we'll see the prevent D again. 11:21 PM ET1st-and-10, 30-yard line, 1:16 left for AM. 11:21 PM ETFourth down. Looks like Johnson will get his chance with 1:25 left and two timeouts. 11:20 PM ETImportant third down for OKST. Not sure the Cowboys want to give the ball back to JJ. 11:19 PM ET'Boys backed up deep in their own territory at the 10-yard line. 11:18 PM ETWe'll see if Weeden can duplicate his third quarter. 11:17 PM ETThe momentum swings are giving me whiplash. 11:17 PM ETWow, that was quick: Touchdown AM. Johnson to Swope, 28 yards. Here is the shootout we expected: 35-35 with under three minutes left. 11:15 PM ET...speaking of which, Johnson hits Tannehill over middle for 38-yard gain. 11:15 PM ETSeems OKST is in a prevent. Not wise...leaves too much room. 11:14 PM ETFirst down, 33-yard line. 11:14 PM ETWhat is Jerrod Johnson made of? This drive will tell. 11:11 PM ET1st-and-10, 20-yard line, 4:20 left for AM. 11:10 PM ETIncomplete. Nice clock management, OKST. Two passes and one run. Aggies about to get ball back. 11:09 PM ETBiggest play of the game: 3rd-and-3 for OKST. 11:09 PM ETNot a clutch performance by AM's special teams. 11:09 PM ETHUGE kick return for Justin Gilbert inside the Aggies' 50-yard line. 11:08 PM ETCan the Cowboys control the clock with the run? 11:06 PM ETAfter a rough second half, Johnson converts many third (and forth) downs to make it 35-28. A lesser QB would have folded. Excellent drive. 11:05 PM ETJohnson to McNeal, touchdown Aggies. A one score game, five minutes left. 11:04 PM ETJohnson attempts to run, stopped at 4. 4th-and-4, do or die for AM. 11:03 PM ETYet another third down, this time from the 5-yard line. 11:02 PM ETBTW: This game is now over three-and-a-half hours long. Yikes. 11:01 PM ETTick, tick, tick. Seven minutes remaining. 11:01 PM ETFirst down inside 5 for AM. 11:01 PM ETJohnson delivery is somewhat side-armed. I'm not sure NFL scouts will appreciate that. 11:00 PM ETAnyhow, Reebok New Orleans Saints #9 Drew Brees Realtree camo Jersey
AM inside 20. Still not convinced the Aggies can go on a 14-0 run in the next nine minutes, but the current drive has been impressive. 10:59 PM ETIf you take AM's first half and OKST's second half, that's one hell of a game. 10:57 PM ETAnother third down conversation. AM now 10-of-19 on third downs. 10:56 PM ET3rd-and-3. How many third downs can a team have in one game? 10:55 PM ETJohnson converts with a bullet pass down the middle of the field. Great throw. 10:54 PM ET4th-and-8, AM going for it. 10:54 PM ETImportant 3rd-and-5 for Aggies inside 40. 10:52 PM ETNice job by Johnson so far on this drive; Aggies inside 50. 10:52 PM ETTwelve minutes left in regulation. 10:51 PM ETNot sure Johnson can bring AM back, but let's see... 10:50 PM ETJohnson is talented, but too inconsistent and turnover-prone. 10:48 PM ETA completely dominant second-half performance by OKST. AM has had no answer. 10:48 PM ETOKST 35, AM 21 10:48 PM ETGame over, I think. Johnson fumbles, OKST's Jamie Blatnick returns it for a TD. Twenty-eight unanswered points for OSU. 10:44 PM ETIt's been about an hour since I heard Lou Holtz speak. Music to my ears. 10:44 PM ETAnother first down through the air. Johnson and the Aggies pushing downfield. 10:43 PM ET...and much needed. 10:43 PM ETAmazing catch. Johnson avoids blitz and finds Fuller for first down. Great play. 10:42 PM ETHere we go: 3rd-and-8. Huge play for Johnson and AM. 10:41 PM ETJohnson moving the Aggies. Can he reground and lead AM back into it? 10:41 PM ETJohnson 18-yard pass for first down. Impressive throw in the middle. 10:40 PM ETCan the Aggies pose a fourth-quarter challenge? They seem rattled, and the crowd is insane right now. 10:35 PM ETEnd of third quarter. 28-21 OKST. 10:32 PM ETOKST 28, AM 21. Phenomenal third quarter by Cowboys. 10:32 PM ET...TOUCHDOWN. 10:31 PM ETHold the phone...play being reviewed. Was Hunter down before ball crossed goal line? The ruling is... 10:30 PM ETHunter 7-yard TD run. OKST's first lead of the game. 10:29 PM ETWeeden: 18 of this last 22. 10:28 PM ET...now inside 10. Weeden looks like a different QB. Wow. 10:27 PM ETCowboys rolling with a minute left in third quarter. Inside AM 20-yard line. Reebok New York Giants #27 Brandon Jacobs Realtree camo Jersey
10:26 PM ETShort-lived momentum for AM—Johnson throws third interception. Guy was WIDE open, severely underthrown. 10:24 PM ETOKST fails to make first down on 3rd-and-9. VERY big three-and-out for Aggie defense. 10:23 PM ETGreat third quarter for OKST so far. Totally dominant. 10:22 PM ETCowboys build the momentum with a stout defensive stand. Critical play in this game. 10:22 PM ETGoing for it...STUFFED! 10:21 PM ETIncomplete pass. What will the Aggies do? 10:21 PM ETBig play for both teams: Aggies 3rd-and-1 at OSU 31. 10:20 PM ETVery confident, patient drive for Aggies. Johnson looking sharp. 10:20 PM ETAggies past midfield. There's still time to hit the over in points. 10:19 PM ETJesse Palmer makes a good point: This is the QB duel we've been waiting for. Indeed. 10:18 PM ETFirst down Aggies on Johnson pass. That's better. 10:18 PM ETOKST's crowd is psyched. If the Aggies don't watch out, they'll be out of this thing quickly. What a turn of events. 10:13 PM ETNow it's time for the Aggies to respond. Back and forth we go. 10:13 PM ETWeeden to Blackmon, 29-yard TD. THIS is the Weeden I expected to see this evening. Score tied at 21 with six minutes remaining in the third quarter. A tale of two halves...at least so far. 10:07 PM ETTime for Weeden to make a statement. A TD drive would erase his first half misery. 10:06 PM ETSack! Here come the Cowboys. 10:05 PM ETAnother 3rd-and-10 for AM. 10:04 PM ETTime for OSU D to step up. 10:01 PM ETCool-hand Johnson completes pass for first down. Very poised in pocket. 10:00 PM ETA big 3rd-and-10. 09:59 PM ETJohnson sacked, crowd goes bananas. The Cowboys finally seem to be on their horse (pun intended). 09:59 PM ETThe crowd finally arrives, noise-wise. Leads to a false start penalty Reebok New York Jets #6 Mark Sanchez Realtree camo Jersey
on AM. Momentum, momentum, momentum. 09:57 PM ETCan Weeden recapture the magic of the first three games? The TD-leading drive to start the second half suggests that he just might. 09:54 PM ETHunter touchdown run. Aggies 21-14. A huge momentum-building drive. Can Johnson and AM respond? 09:52 PM ETThis is more like it. Until now, the 'Boys haven't lived up to their billing. 09:51 PM ETFirst-and-goal inside 5-yard line. 09:51 PM ETWeeden catching fire. Completion inside 15. 09:49 PM ETHunter runs for another first down. 09:48 PM ETOKST driving. At AM 25-yard line. 09:45 PM ETBig drive for the Cowboys to start second half. 09:45 PM ET...and we're underway in the second half. 09:41 PM ETIf Aggies win, will they be ranked on Monday? 09:41 PM ETI find myself rooting for Europe in the Ryder Cup. Is that wrong? 09:37 PM ETPlease Lou Holtz, shut up. Good lord. 09:28 PM ETIndividual Statistics - ReceivingRandle, OKST: 3 REC, 47 YDS, 1 TDFuller, AM: 5 REC, 27 YDS, 2 TD 09:27 PM ETIndividual Statistics - RushingHunter, OKST: 8 CAR, 41 YDSMichael, AM: 16 CAR, 76 YDS 09:26 PM ETIndividual Statistics - PassingWeeden, OKST: 12-19, 105 YDS, 1 TD, 2 INTJohnson, AM: 16-27, 131 YDS, 3 TD, 2 INT 09:24 PM ETTeam StatisticsOklahoma State: 109 total yards, 105 yards passing, 4 yards rushing, 3 turnoversTexas AM: 242 total yards, 131 yards passing, 111 yards rushing, 2 turnovers 09:22 PM ETTexas AM 21, Oklahoma State 7. Halftime. Stay tuned for first-half statistics. 09:19 PM ETJohnson to Fuller again. Touchdown Aggies. AM 21-7. 09:19 PM ETJohnson throws it away. 3rd-and-goal, 13 seconds left. 09:17 PM ETGreat coach, terrible talker. Yes, I know, I'm mean. 09:17 PM ETPlease, no Lou Holtz at halftime. 09:16 PM ETAM at 7-yard line. Twenty seconds until halftime. 09:15 PM ETAM inside 10-yard line. 09:14 PM ETForty-six seconds remaining. 09:13 PM ETTime of possession so far: AM - 18 minutes; OKST - 9 minutes. 09:13 PM ETAggies inside Cowboys' 40. 09:12 PM ETCowboys need to hold. If OKST can go into halftime only down 14-7, they should be happy. 09:09 PM ETCyrus Gray kick return near midfield. Nice starting position for the Aggies. 09:07 PM ETThree minutes remaining in first half. 09:06 PM ETCheck out the AM and OKST team pages on ESPN. 09:05 PM ETWeeden to Randle, 38-yard TD pass. Finally, Weeden creates some offense. AM 14-7. 09:02 PM ETCowboys marching. Inside AM 40-yard line. 09:02 PM ETAn Oklahoma State first down! 09:01 PM ETJohnson continues to win the QB duel. 08:57 PM ETOKST takes over at their own 35. 08:57 PM ETConservative play call (run). Aggies punting. 08:56 PM ETOKST sack. Aggies another third down. 08:55 PM ETFirst Reebok Oakland Raiders #21 Nnamdi Asomugha Realtree camo Jersey
down...another third-down conversion. 08:55 PM ET3rd-and-6 for Aggies inside their own 20. 08:51 PM ETThat's three Weeden turnovers (2 interception, 1 fumble). 08:50 PM ETWeeden another INT. 08:50 PM ET4th-and-3 from AM 13. 08:49 PM ETNow a 15-yard roughness penalty on the Aggies at end of run. OKST suddenly has all the momentum. 08:48 PM ETHUGE interception by OKST's Ugo Chinasa. That's what the Cowboys needed. Big, big play. 08:47 PM ETAggies inside Oklahoma State 30-yard line. 08:46 PM ETA TD here could be VERY deflating for OKST. 08:46 PM ETAnother first down. Texas AM putting together an impressive drive, bit by bit. 08:45 PM ETJohnson to McCoy. Another AM first down. Johnson certainly winning the QB battle at this point. 08:43 PM ETFirst down. 08:43 PM ETWow, Aggies going for it from own 30 on 4th-and-1. Ballsy. 08:43 PM ETPoor Christine. First his name, now he ends up short of first down. 08:41 PM ETWeeden's first quarter stats: 6-11, 35 YDS, 1 INT, 1 FUM 08:39 PM ETEnd of first quarter. AM up 14-0. 08:39 PM ETOklahoma State has scored 65, 41, and 65 in the first three games. No sign of such scoring tonight. 08:36 PM ETAnother OSU punt upcoming. 08:35 PM ETA huge loss on reverse. This Aggie defense is for real...so far, at least. 08:35 PM ETOKST isn't going anywhere. The Cowboys need to open up the offense. 08:30 PM ETImpressive start for AM. If Weeden doesn't get his act together, this could be a long night for the Cowboys...and a short stay in the Top 25. 08:30 PM ETShovel pass from Johnson to Cyrus Gray. Touchdown. PAT good. Aggies up 14-0. 08:28 PM ETAwesome off-balance pass from Johnson to Ryan Tannehill. First-and-goal from 5. 08:26 PM ETJohnson escapes pressure and completes pass for first down (barely). 08:26 PM ETAM going for it on 4th-and-5 from OKST 30. 08:25 PM ET3rd-and-15 for Aggies. Short pass play for 10-yard gain. 08:23 PM ETJohnson takes shot at end zone. Incomplete. 08:23 PM ETAM on Cowboys 40-yard line. 08:21 PM ETDustin Harris interception. Weeden is having a tough go so far. 08:20 PM ETAnother Weeden misfire. What gives? AM is better defensively than Tulsa, huh Weeden? 08:18 PM ETAggies three-and-out. What's with the defensive game early on? 08:16 PM ETNearly another Weeden turnover (INT). OKST forced to punt again. 08:15 PM ETC'mon Weeden, where's the deep ball? 08:14 PM ETLove the no-huddle. 08:13 PM ETPerhaps AM does have a defense. The Aggies only give up 14 PPG, but, again, they haven't played anyone. 08:12 PM ETHow will Weeden respond? 08:11 PM ETJohnson to Fuller. 08:11 PM ETOffsides. Touchdown stands. AM 7-0. 08:08 PM ETFade route, touchdown. Flags everywhere, though. 08:07 PM ETNo challenge? Hmmm... Aggie ball on 5-yard line. 08:07 PM ETWeeden hammered, AM recovers. Fumble or forward pass? A challenge is inevitable. 08:05 PM ETJohnson looks rattled; he just threw the ball into the dirt...on purpose. 08:04 PM ETYou don't hear much about Johnson's dual-threat abilities these days, now that so many Top 25 QBs are also dual-threat. 08:03 PM ETScreen pass, screen pass, screen pass. C'mon, where are the downfield throws? 08:02 PM ETThe score is 0-0 five minutes in. Reebok Pittsburgh Steelers #86 Hines Ward Realtree camo Jersey
Shouldn't it be 14-14 by now? 08:01 PM ETTimeout question: Will Boise State play in the BCS Championship Game? Yey or nah? Please respond in comments. 08:00 PM ETIs it me, or has Jerrod Johnson been around for about 12 years? Someone check his eligibility. 07:58 PM ETNot an impressive first series for OSU. Three-and-out. 07:58 PM ETI swear, everyone and their mom runs the pistol offense these days. 07:57 PM ETCall on the field upheld. OKST ball. 07:56 PM ETTime for Brandon Weeden. 07:54 PM ETJohnson hit as he passed...interception OKST. 07:52 PM ETAggies near mid-field...first down. 07:52 PM ETPoor Christine Michael. Solid running back, unfortunate first name for a male. 07:52 PM ETThe injured player was actually Justin Gent. He's fine. 07:51 PM ETQuestion for the readers: Who is the better QB, Weeden or Johnson? Respond in comments section. 07:49 PM ETOklahoma State injury. LB Tyler Johnson, I think. 07:48 PM ETHere is more information about Jerrod Johnson. 07:46 PM ETHere we go... 07:46 PM ETWeird stat: The Aggies have lost their last nine televised games. Check out this article. 07:42 PM ETBTW: Cowboys lead nation in total yards. Will this continue against AM? 07:41 PM ETI haven't seen so much orange since Syracuse and Illinois played basketball. 07:38 PM ETOK, I've had enough of Holtz and May. Let's get to the game. 07:35 PM ETI wonder how much all the different jerseys and helmets cost the University of Oregon. Ironically, all of them are ugly. 07:32 PM ETJust curious: How did Lou Holtz's players understand him when he coached? That lisp is brutal. 07:31 PM ETSpeaking of teams in Oklahoma, are the Sooners really a Top 10 team? Hmmm... 07:27 PM ETThis could be Brandon Weeden's coming-out party. Even though he's second in passer rating, he's not all that well-known nationally. Could a big night change that? 07:25 PM ETIt's difficult to grasp how good each team really is: OSU beat Washington State, Troy (by only three), and Tulsa. AM took out Stephen F. Reebok Pittsburgh Steelers James Harrison Realtree camo Jersey
Austin, Louisiana Tech, and Florida International. Not exactly stiff competition on either side.Thank god for conference play. 07:24 PM ETSome notable statistics before kickoff:Oklahoma State: 57 points per game (2nd nationally); 391.7 passing yards per game (2nd)Texas AM: 41 points per game (12th); 296.7 passing yards per game (15th)If form holds, we should be in for a high-scoring air raid.

24 Jan 11 Texas Aamp;M at Oklahoma State Football: Live Blog, Stats, and Analysis

Ronald Martinez/Getty ImagesFeature Columnist Tom Baer here, live blogging the Texas AM-Oklahoma State Big 12 South matchup from Boone Pickens Stadium in Stillwater. No. 24 Oklahoma State enters the contest 3-0 behind the arm of junior signal-caller Brandon Weeden, who ranks second nationally with a 186.33 passer rating. Texas AM comes into this evening's game after eating up three weak non-conference opponents (Stephen F. Austin, Louisiana Tech, and Florida International). Is the Aggies' 3-0 record legit, or has AM simply feasted on cupcakes? Reebok New England Patriots #12 Tom Brady Realtree camo Jersey
Join me at 7:30 PM ET to find out 11:36 PM ETIn a nutshell...First half: All AM.Third quarter: All OKST.First 12 minutes of fourth quarter: All AM.Final three minutes: All OKST.Johnson put up huge numbers, but his five turnovers (4 INT, 1 FUM) cost the Aggies the game. Weeden started off poorly, but rallied in the second half to push No. 24 OSU to 4-0.This is Tom Baer signing off. Thanks for reading... 11:33 PM ETIndividual Statistics - PassingWeeden, OKST: 28-42, 284 YDS, 2 TD, 2 INTJohnson, AM: 40-62, 409 yards, 5 TD, 4 INT 11:32 PM ETTeam Statistics:Oklahoma State: 350 total yards, 284 passing, 66 rushing, 3 turnoversTexas AM: 485 total yards, 409 passing, 76 rushing, 5 turnovers 11:30 PM ETStatistics forthcoming... 11:29 PM ETGOOD. Oklahoma State wins the shootout, 38-35. 11:28 PM ET...timeout. And the kick is... 11:28 PM ETHere we go. Looks to be a 41-yard FG attempt. And the kick is... 11:27 PM ETRun up the middle. Timeout with two seconds left. 11:27 PM ETDown to 31-yard line, 10 seconds. One more play, then field goal attempt. 11:25 PM ETTime for two plays and a field goal. Can Weeden do it? 11:25 PM ETInterception OKST, brought back to AM 40 with 16 second left. What a finish! 11:24 PM ETJohnson: 13 turnovers in three games. 11:24 PM ETTimeout Aggies. Twenty-six seconds left. Johnson now over 400 yards passing. 11:23 PM ETFirst down AM. 11:22 PM ET3rd-and-7, 44 seconds remaining. 11:21 PM ETDon't think we'll see the prevent D again. 11:21 PM ET1st-and-10, 30-yard line, 1:16 left for AM. 11:21 PM ETFourth down. Looks like Johnson will get his chance with 1:25 left and two timeouts. 11:20 PM ETImportant third down for OKST. Not sure the Cowboys want to give the ball back to JJ. 11:19 PM ET'Boys backed up deep in their own territory at the 10-yard line. 11:18 PM ETWe'll see if Weeden can duplicate his third quarter. 11:17 PM ETThe momentum swings are giving me whiplash. 11:17 PM ETWow, that was quick: Touchdown AM. Johnson to Swope, 28 yards. Here is the shootout we expected: 35-35 with under three minutes left. 11:15 PM ET...speaking of which, Johnson hits Tannehill over middle for 38-yard gain. 11:15 PM ETSeems OKST is in a prevent. Not wise...leaves too much room. 11:14 PM ETFirst down, 33-yard line. 11:14 PM ETWhat is Jerrod Johnson made of? This drive will tell. 11:11 PM ET1st-and-10, 20-yard line, 4:20 left for AM. 11:10 PM ETIncomplete. Nice clock management, OKST. Two passes and one run. Aggies about to get ball back. 11:09 PM ETBiggest play of the game: 3rd-and-3 for OKST. 11:09 PM ETNot a clutch performance by AM's special teams. 11:09 PM ETHUGE kick return for Justin Gilbert inside the Aggies' 50-yard line. 11:08 PM ETCan the Cowboys control the clock with the run? 11:06 PM ETAfter a rough second half, Johnson converts many third (and forth) downs to make it 35-28. A lesser QB would have folded. Excellent drive. 11:05 PM ETJohnson to McNeal, touchdown Aggies. A one score game, five minutes left. 11:04 PM ETJohnson attempts to run, stopped at 4. 4th-and-4, do or die for AM. 11:03 PM ETYet another third down, this time from the 5-yard line. 11:02 PM ETBTW: This game is now over three-and-a-half hours long. Yikes. 11:01 PM ETTick, tick, tick. Seven minutes remaining. 11:01 PM ETFirst down inside 5 for AM. 11:01 PM ETJohnson delivery is somewhat side-armed. I'm not sure NFL scouts will appreciate that. 11:00 PM ETAnyhow, Reebok New Orleans Saints #9 Drew Brees Realtree camo Jersey
AM inside 20. Still not convinced the Aggies can go on a 14-0 run in the next nine minutes, but the current drive has been impressive. 10:59 PM ETIf you take AM's first half and OKST's second half, that's one hell of a game. 10:57 PM ETAnother third down conversation. AM now 10-of-19 on third downs. 10:56 PM ET3rd-and-3. How many third downs can a team have in one game? 10:55 PM ETJohnson converts with a bullet pass down the middle of the field. Great throw. 10:54 PM ET4th-and-8, AM going for it. 10:54 PM ETImportant 3rd-and-5 for Aggies inside 40. 10:52 PM ETNice job by Johnson so far on this drive; Aggies inside 50. 10:52 PM ETTwelve minutes left in regulation. 10:51 PM ETNot sure Johnson can bring AM back, but let's see... 10:50 PM ETJohnson is talented, but too inconsistent and turnover-prone. 10:48 PM ETA completely dominant second-half performance by OKST. AM has had no answer. 10:48 PM ETOKST 35, AM 21 10:48 PM ETGame over, I think. Johnson fumbles, OKST's Jamie Blatnick returns it for a TD. Twenty-eight unanswered points for OSU. 10:44 PM ETIt's been about an hour since I heard Lou Holtz speak. Music to my ears. 10:44 PM ETAnother first down through the air. Johnson and the Aggies pushing downfield. 10:43 PM ET...and much needed. 10:43 PM ETAmazing catch. Johnson avoids blitz and finds Fuller for first down. Great play. 10:42 PM ETHere we go: 3rd-and-8. Huge play for Johnson and AM. 10:41 PM ETJohnson moving the Aggies. Can he reground and lead AM back into it? 10:41 PM ETJohnson 18-yard pass for first down. Impressive throw in the middle. 10:40 PM ETCan the Aggies pose a fourth-quarter challenge? They seem rattled, and the crowd is insane right now. 10:35 PM ETEnd of third quarter. 28-21 OKST. 10:32 PM ETOKST 28, AM 21. Phenomenal third quarter by Cowboys. 10:32 PM ET...TOUCHDOWN. 10:31 PM ETHold the phone...play being reviewed. Was Hunter down before ball crossed goal line? The ruling is... 10:30 PM ETHunter 7-yard TD run. OKST's first lead of the game. 10:29 PM ETWeeden: 18 of this last 22. 10:28 PM ET...now inside 10. Weeden looks like a different QB. Wow. 10:27 PM ETCowboys rolling with a minute left in third quarter. Inside AM 20-yard line. Reebok New York Giants #27 Brandon Jacobs Realtree camo Jersey
10:26 PM ETShort-lived momentum for AM—Johnson throws third interception. Guy was WIDE open, severely underthrown. 10:24 PM ETOKST fails to make first down on 3rd-and-9. VERY big three-and-out for Aggie defense. 10:23 PM ETGreat third quarter for OKST so far. Totally dominant. 10:22 PM ETCowboys build the momentum with a stout defensive stand. Critical play in this game. 10:22 PM ETGoing for it...STUFFED! 10:21 PM ETIncomplete pass. What will the Aggies do? 10:21 PM ETBig play for both teams: Aggies 3rd-and-1 at OSU 31. 10:20 PM ETVery confident, patient drive for Aggies. Johnson looking sharp. 10:20 PM ETAggies past midfield. There's still time to hit the over in points. 10:19 PM ETJesse Palmer makes a good point: This is the QB duel we've been waiting for. Indeed. 10:18 PM ETFirst down Aggies on Johnson pass. That's better. 10:18 PM ETOKST's crowd is psyched. If the Aggies don't watch out, they'll be out of this thing quickly. What a turn of events. 10:13 PM ETNow it's time for the Aggies to respond. Back and forth we go. 10:13 PM ETWeeden to Blackmon, 29-yard TD. THIS is the Weeden I expected to see this evening. Score tied at 21 with six minutes remaining in the third quarter. A tale of two halves...at least so far. 10:07 PM ETTime for Weeden to make a statement. A TD drive would erase his first half misery. 10:06 PM ETSack! Here come the Cowboys. 10:05 PM ETAnother 3rd-and-10 for AM. 10:04 PM ETTime for OSU D to step up. 10:01 PM ETCool-hand Johnson completes pass for first down. Very poised in pocket. 10:00 PM ETA big 3rd-and-10. 09:59 PM ETJohnson sacked, crowd goes bananas. The Cowboys finally seem to be on their horse (pun intended). 09:59 PM ETThe crowd finally arrives, noise-wise. Leads to a false start penalty Reebok New York Jets #6 Mark Sanchez Realtree camo Jersey
on AM. Momentum, momentum, momentum. 09:57 PM ETCan Weeden recapture the magic of the first three games? The TD-leading drive to start the second half suggests that he just might. 09:54 PM ETHunter touchdown run. Aggies 21-14. A huge momentum-building drive. Can Johnson and AM respond? 09:52 PM ETThis is more like it. Until now, the 'Boys haven't lived up to their billing. 09:51 PM ETFirst-and-goal inside 5-yard line. 09:51 PM ETWeeden catching fire. Completion inside 15. 09:49 PM ETHunter runs for another first down. 09:48 PM ETOKST driving. At AM 25-yard line. 09:45 PM ETBig drive for the Cowboys to start second half. 09:45 PM ET...and we're underway in the second half. 09:41 PM ETIf Aggies win, will they be ranked on Monday? 09:41 PM ETI find myself rooting for Europe in the Ryder Cup. Is that wrong? 09:37 PM ETPlease Lou Holtz, shut up. Good lord. 09:28 PM ETIndividual Statistics - ReceivingRandle, OKST: 3 REC, 47 YDS, 1 TDFuller, AM: 5 REC, 27 YDS, 2 TD 09:27 PM ETIndividual Statistics - RushingHunter, OKST: 8 CAR, 41 YDSMichael, AM: 16 CAR, 76 YDS 09:26 PM ETIndividual Statistics - PassingWeeden, OKST: 12-19, 105 YDS, 1 TD, 2 INTJohnson, AM: 16-27, 131 YDS, 3 TD, 2 INT 09:24 PM ETTeam StatisticsOklahoma State: 109 total yards, 105 yards passing, 4 yards rushing, 3 turnoversTexas AM: 242 total yards, 131 yards passing, 111 yards rushing, 2 turnovers 09:22 PM ETTexas AM 21, Oklahoma State 7. Halftime. Stay tuned for first-half statistics. 09:19 PM ETJohnson to Fuller again. Touchdown Aggies. AM 21-7. 09:19 PM ETJohnson throws it away. 3rd-and-goal, 13 seconds left. 09:17 PM ETGreat coach, terrible talker. Yes, I know, I'm mean. 09:17 PM ETPlease, no Lou Holtz at halftime. 09:16 PM ETAM at 7-yard line. Twenty seconds until halftime. 09:15 PM ETAM inside 10-yard line. 09:14 PM ETForty-six seconds remaining. 09:13 PM ETTime of possession so far: AM - 18 minutes; OKST - 9 minutes. 09:13 PM ETAggies inside Cowboys' 40. 09:12 PM ETCowboys need to hold. If OKST can go into halftime only down 14-7, they should be happy. 09:09 PM ETCyrus Gray kick return near midfield. Nice starting position for the Aggies. 09:07 PM ETThree minutes remaining in first half. 09:06 PM ETCheck out the AM and OKST team pages on ESPN. 09:05 PM ETWeeden to Randle, 38-yard TD pass. Finally, Weeden creates some offense. AM 14-7. 09:02 PM ETCowboys marching. Inside AM 40-yard line. 09:02 PM ETAn Oklahoma State first down! 09:01 PM ETJohnson continues to win the QB duel. 08:57 PM ETOKST takes over at their own 35. 08:57 PM ETConservative play call (run). Aggies punting. 08:56 PM ETOKST sack. Aggies another third down. 08:55 PM ETFirst Reebok Oakland Raiders #21 Nnamdi Asomugha Realtree camo Jersey
down...another third-down conversion. 08:55 PM ET3rd-and-6 for Aggies inside their own 20. 08:51 PM ETThat's three Weeden turnovers (2 interception, 1 fumble). 08:50 PM ETWeeden another INT. 08:50 PM ET4th-and-3 from AM 13. 08:49 PM ETNow a 15-yard roughness penalty on the Aggies at end of run. OKST suddenly has all the momentum. 08:48 PM ETHUGE interception by OKST's Ugo Chinasa. That's what the Cowboys needed. Big, big play. 08:47 PM ETAggies inside Oklahoma State 30-yard line. 08:46 PM ETA TD here could be VERY deflating for OKST. 08:46 PM ETAnother first down. Texas AM putting together an impressive drive, bit by bit. 08:45 PM ETJohnson to McCoy. Another AM first down. Johnson certainly winning the QB battle at this point. 08:43 PM ETFirst down. 08:43 PM ETWow, Aggies going for it from own 30 on 4th-and-1. Ballsy. 08:43 PM ETPoor Christine. First his name, now he ends up short of first down. 08:41 PM ETWeeden's first quarter stats: 6-11, 35 YDS, 1 INT, 1 FUM 08:39 PM ETEnd of first quarter. AM up 14-0. 08:39 PM ETOklahoma State has scored 65, 41, and 65 in the first three games. No sign of such scoring tonight. 08:36 PM ETAnother OSU punt upcoming. 08:35 PM ETA huge loss on reverse. This Aggie defense is for real...so far, at least. 08:35 PM ETOKST isn't going anywhere. The Cowboys need to open up the offense. 08:30 PM ETImpressive start for AM. If Weeden doesn't get his act together, this could be a long night for the Cowboys...and a short stay in the Top 25. 08:30 PM ETShovel pass from Johnson to Cyrus Gray. Touchdown. PAT good. Aggies up 14-0. 08:28 PM ETAwesome off-balance pass from Johnson to Ryan Tannehill. First-and-goal from 5. 08:26 PM ETJohnson escapes pressure and completes pass for first down (barely). 08:26 PM ETAM going for it on 4th-and-5 from OKST 30. 08:25 PM ET3rd-and-15 for Aggies. Short pass play for 10-yard gain. 08:23 PM ETJohnson takes shot at end zone. Incomplete. 08:23 PM ETAM on Cowboys 40-yard line. 08:21 PM ETDustin Harris interception. Weeden is having a tough go so far. 08:20 PM ETAnother Weeden misfire. What gives? AM is better defensively than Tulsa, huh Weeden? 08:18 PM ETAggies three-and-out. What's with the defensive game early on? 08:16 PM ETNearly another Weeden turnover (INT). OKST forced to punt again. 08:15 PM ETC'mon Weeden, where's the deep ball? 08:14 PM ETLove the no-huddle. 08:13 PM ETPerhaps AM does have a defense. The Aggies only give up 14 PPG, but, again, they haven't played anyone. 08:12 PM ETHow will Weeden respond? 08:11 PM ETJohnson to Fuller. 08:11 PM ETOffsides. Touchdown stands. AM 7-0. 08:08 PM ETFade route, touchdown. Flags everywhere, though. 08:07 PM ETNo challenge? Hmmm... Aggie ball on 5-yard line. 08:07 PM ETWeeden hammered, AM recovers. Fumble or forward pass? A challenge is inevitable. 08:05 PM ETJohnson looks rattled; he just threw the ball into the dirt...on purpose. 08:04 PM ETYou don't hear much about Johnson's dual-threat abilities these days, now that so many Top 25 QBs are also dual-threat. 08:03 PM ETScreen pass, screen pass, screen pass. C'mon, where are the downfield throws? 08:02 PM ETThe score is 0-0 five minutes in. Reebok Pittsburgh Steelers #86 Hines Ward Realtree camo Jersey
Shouldn't it be 14-14 by now? 08:01 PM ETTimeout question: Will Boise State play in the BCS Championship Game? Yey or nah? Please respond in comments. 08:00 PM ETIs it me, or has Jerrod Johnson been around for about 12 years? Someone check his eligibility. 07:58 PM ETNot an impressive first series for OSU. Three-and-out. 07:58 PM ETI swear, everyone and their mom runs the pistol offense these days. 07:57 PM ETCall on the field upheld. OKST ball. 07:56 PM ETTime for Brandon Weeden. 07:54 PM ETJohnson hit as he passed...interception OKST. 07:52 PM ETAggies near mid-field...first down. 07:52 PM ETPoor Christine Michael. Solid running back, unfortunate first name for a male. 07:52 PM ETThe injured player was actually Justin Gent. He's fine. 07:51 PM ETQuestion for the readers: Who is the better QB, Weeden or Johnson? Respond in comments section. 07:49 PM ETOklahoma State injury. LB Tyler Johnson, I think. 07:48 PM ETHere is more information about Jerrod Johnson. 07:46 PM ETHere we go... 07:46 PM ETWeird stat: The Aggies have lost their last nine televised games. Check out this article. 07:42 PM ETBTW: Cowboys lead nation in total yards. Will this continue against AM? 07:41 PM ETI haven't seen so much orange since Syracuse and Illinois played basketball. 07:38 PM ETOK, I've had enough of Holtz and May. Let's get to the game. 07:35 PM ETI wonder how much all the different jerseys and helmets cost the University of Oregon. Ironically, all of them are ugly. 07:32 PM ETJust curious: How did Lou Holtz's players understand him when he coached? That lisp is brutal. 07:31 PM ETSpeaking of teams in Oklahoma, are the Sooners really a Top 10 team? Hmmm... 07:27 PM ETThis could be Brandon Weeden's coming-out party. Even though he's second in passer rating, he's not all that well-known nationally. Could a big night change that? 07:25 PM ETIt's difficult to grasp how good each team really is: OSU beat Washington State, Troy (by only three), and Tulsa. AM took out Stephen F. Reebok Pittsburgh Steelers James Harrison Realtree camo Jersey
Austin, Louisiana Tech, and Florida International. Not exactly stiff competition on either side.Thank god for conference play. 07:24 PM ETSome notable statistics before kickoff:Oklahoma State: 57 points per game (2nd nationally); 391.7 passing yards per game (2nd)Texas AM: 41 points per game (12th); 296.7 passing yards per game (15th)If form holds, we should be in for a high-scoring air raid.


22 Jan 11 Auburn Football: Missed Clemson Field Goal In OT Seals Sloppy Win For Auburn

Kevin C. Cox/Getty ImagesSloppy. Unprepared. More sloppy.Those few words briefly describe the Auburn Tiger football team for almost two complete quarters of play in the first half against Clemson.By game's end, the Auburn Tigers had stolen a 27-24 overtime victory and the toilet paper was flying on Toomer's Corner.For most of the first half, it was evident that Clemson Head Coach, Dabo Sweeney, had better prepared his football team for battle.Yes, battle! This game was one of the hardest hitting match ups in recent college football history. Two offensive lineman, Reebok Arizona Cardinals Larry Fitzgerald Realtree camo Jersey
one on each team, left the field on a stretcher with significant injuries.On their opening drive, Clemson put much fear in the heart's of Auburn fans everywhere. A touchdown was the result of that opening drive as quarterback, Kyle Parker, and friends overpowered and outmatched Auburn on every play. For a moment, I thought Ted Roof had started his third string defense.Folks, it was that bad. The Clemson players came out wanting the victory more.During the ESPN broadcast of College Game Day, several Cam Newton photos on signs were visibly displayed from many Auburn fans. Were visions of these Newton signs still dancing in the mind's eye of the Auburn quarterback for almost the entire first half?When Clemson led 17-0, how many Auburn fans were thinking, "We are going to lose because ESPN College Game Day came to Auburn and cursed us." After all, one young female fan from Auburn held a sign exhorting ESPN Analyst, Lee Corso, not to pick the Auburn Tigers, as if it would lead to a curse.There was no curse.Clemson came in to Auburn unranked and according to the Oddsmakers in Las Vegas, the underdog. A better name would be the undercat. For the entire first half of the game, it was the unranked undercat that was better prepared and better coached.It was the unranked undercat that was smashing the 16th ranked Auburn Tigers in the mouth.While Clemson dominated the game in the first half, Auburn continued to struggle in many areas both on offense and defense. No one expected the offense to struggle as bad as it did and for as long. Give much credit to Dabo Sweeney and his fine coaching staff.Their game plan confused Auburn thoroughly.A couple of days before the game, Auburn coaches spoke to the media about getting the running backs more involved. It didn't work Saturday night. Not in the first half. The stout Clemson defense did not let anyone with a blue jersey run the ball for much of a positive gain and many of Auburn's early running attempts went backwards or for no gain.The Clemson defense also put constant pressure on Newton, causing him to make several errant throws, two for interceptions. One of these occurred in the first half when it looked as if Auburn was driving to score.Early in the game, Newton caused his offense problems by advertising his passes. By starting only at the receiver to which he intended to throw, Newton allowed the defense to read him and beat him for the entire first half.Fortunately for Auburn, a ray of hope sprang up with one minute remaining in the first half.Newton drove the Tiger offense down into Clemson territory and managed to come away with three points going into the locker room at half time. Those three points were big in the areas of confidence and momentum. Auburn seemed to have none in either department all game but now, there was a chance that things could be different in the second half.Different they certainly were.From the moment Auburn received the second half kick, all could tell that the team had been rejuvenated and revived. It was as if someone had told them they had a second chance. That someone was Head Coach, Gene Chizik. Before chalk would fly and adjustments would be made, Coach Chizik reminded his team that a new game awaited them in the second half.A new game is what the Reebok Baltimore Ravens #5 Joe Flacco Realtree camo Jersey
team brought to the field.In the third quarter, the Auburn offense scored 21 unanswered points. Mike Dyer and Ontario McCalebb were ripping off big runs. Newton was once again finding his receivers open down field. Although whipped in the first half, Auburn's offense line decided to do a little whipping of their own during the second half.On defense, the Auburn players were now swarming to the ball, smelling blood and playing now as if they want to come away victorious. Time after time during that record third quarter, the Auburn defense kept getting the ball back for the Auburn offense.Josh Bynes led all tacklers for the night with seven solo tackles and four assists. Nick Fairley had another good game coming away with one sack, four tackles and three assists.It was Auburn's turf and it was now their game to win.At the start of the fourth quarter, the Auburn Tigers led 24-17. A 12 yard touchdown run and pass plays of eight and 78 yards had put Chizik's team up for what fans hoped to be for good. It was not to be.An injured Parker heroically led his team down the field for the tying score. Naturally, he had a little help from the Auburn defense. The tackling that had been so good in the third quarter was gone. Critical penalties such as defensive pass interference by Auburn defenders kept drives alive for the Clemson offense all night.In my opinion, a couple of the calls were suspect but nevertheless, the Auburn defense cannot allow themselves to be called for costly mistakes when the opposing team has third down and long yardage for a first down.There would be no more scoring by either team and just like the Chick-fil-A Bowl from 2007, the Tigers versus the Tigers would be decided in overtime. The coin toss went Clemson's way and they chose to play defense. Auburn would fail to put the ball into the end zone but Wes Byrum's field goal of 39 yards put Auburn back on top by three.Now, it was up to the defense. That questionable Ted Roof defense that is so prone to critical mistakes at the wrong times. All over Jordan-Hare Stadium, fans were holding their breath, biting their nails and screaming at the top of their lungs for the defense to hold.Hold is exactly what the Auburn defense would do.Although the Clemson offense initially picked up a first down, the veterans on the Auburn defense would not let them get another. The Auburn tackling was superb, after two unsuccessful runs, a Parker pass, would go off the hands of a diving Clemson receiver and Sweeney's team would be forced to attempt a 26 yard field goal to tie the game.The kick went up and it was good; however, several yellow flags littered the playing field.Due to Auburn's penalty problems, many fans certainly feared that Clemson would be given a first down on an Auburn penalty and this would certainly spell doom for Chizik's Tigers.At first, the officials did signal that an Auburn defender had jumped off sides. Fortunately, the ACC officiating crew got together and discussed the situation. One of the officials had thrown a flag against Clemson.The Clemson long snapper moved the football by picking it up and putting it right back downjust prior to snapping the ball to the holder. This resulted in a five-yard penalty and the kick would be retried.The snap and hold were good but the 31 yard field goal attempt by Clemson place kicker, Chandler Catanzaro sailed wide to the left.Immediately fans erupted into joy and the Auburn players rushed onto the field to celebrate a victory that was surely snatched right out of the jaws of defeat.Give a lot of credit to coach Chizik and his coaching staff. If not for their adjustments at the half, the Auburn Tigers would vary well be 2-1 right now heading into their game with South Carolina. Instead, they have the experience of being down 17 points and coming from Reebok Baltimore Ravens #27 Ray Rice Realtree camo Jersey
behind to win. Perhaps that will be just what the doctor ordered when Spurrier brings the Gamecocks to the Plains.Game Notes:Right Tackle, A.J. Green suffered a broken ankle against Clemson and will be out for the remainder of the season.Although John Sullen played the remainder of the game and practiced with the first team on Sunday, I expect Brandon Mosley to compete for that spot during this next week of practice.After a dismal first half, Auburn coaches did manage to get more production from the backfield. Freshman, Mike Dyer, ran the ball 16 times for 69 yards. Dyer burst for 23 yards on his longest run of the night, the longest of any runs by an Auburn Tiger back.Ontario McCalebb gained 81 yards on 10 carries with one rushing touchdown. Cameron Newton rushed for 68 yards on 17 carries. He completed 7 of 14 passes for 203 yards, threw two touchdowns and two interceptions.


18 Jan 11 USC Football: Bryant Gumbel Criticizes NCAA for Punishing USC and Not Florida

Finally someone in the media criticizes the NCAA about the University of Southern California Trojans punishment over the Reggie Bush violations, while doing nothing about the University of Florida Gators who have had 27 different players arrested in the short time that Urban Meyer has been the head coach. Bryant Gumbelclosing statement on Tuesday nightepisode of Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel on HBO made an excellent point that is ignored by most media as follows: Finally tonight, a few words about crime and punishment. Im no legal expert, not by a long shot, but Reebok San Francisco 49ers #21 Frank GORE Realtree camo Jersey
I do believe that driving drunk, robbing a convenience store, and hitting your girlfriend are all worse offenses than dealing with an agent. Most people would agree with that I think, except, it seems, the folks in charge of college football. "How else to explain the fact that the USC Trojans are currently on NCAA probation while the Florida Gators are not, even though Floridaprogram has seen 27 different players arrested during the short tenure of Coach Urban Meyer. Thatright, by NCAA standards, 27 arrests merit not so much as an official reprimand. But dealing with a prospective agent prematurely, as former Trojan Reggie Bush did, gets your program punished for four years. "Itnot just about USC. NCAA investigations are ongoing at the Universities of Georgia, Alabama and North Carolina for the same kind of premature conversation with agents that Bush had. And itnot just about Florida. Players at Pittsburgh, Missouri, Tennessee, Oklahoma State, Southern Mississippi, UCLA and elsewhere have also been arrested this year. But all of those programs are, by NCAA standards, in full compliance."Look, no onenaiuml;ve enough to think footballever going to be played by a bunch of choirboys. Itnot. But youd think that NCAA officials could, at the very least, give coaches and athletic directors a reason to be as Reebok Washington Redskins #98 ORAKPO Realtree camo Jersey
diligent about illegality as they are about eligibilityand right now they dont. Until and unless they do, the NCAAidea of institutional control is anything but. The NCAA only holds colleges accountable for violations of NCAA rules, but there is no rule about criminal activity by student athletes. It is up to the head coaches to deal with these issues, and it does not matter to the NCAA if they do nothing about them. But, break one NCAA rule and if the NCAA finds out about it, then watch out. Of course, the NCAA usually does not find out especially for long standing problems like sports agents paying the top student athletes because athletes and agents are very good at keeping it a secret. Making matters worse is the failure of the NCAA to work with the NFL to control sports agents and marketers, while holding colleges and athletes fully responsible. Donexpect the NCAA to conduct a proper investigation, or issue findings and sanctions that are consistent with past precedent. They have a long track recording of inconsistency with unfair findings and sanctions.But, do expect the NCAA to deny appeals even when they break their own rules because how dare anyone question their decisions. One has to wonder about the priorities of the NCAA, and their treatment of student athletes. There is something very bad going on at the Reebok Pittsburgh Steelers 43 Troy Polamalu Realtree camo Jersey
University of Florida football program, and the NCAA does not care. Maybe the previous article about the Eight Solutions to Fix the NCAA and Improve College Football needs to add a ninth solution addressing criminal activity by student athletes. What do you think? Should the NCAA continue to ignore many cases of athlete criminal activity at a college?


15 Jan 11 New Orleans Saints are hiring a Customer Service representative May 6 2005

The New Orleans Saints are hiring a part-time Customer Service representative to work within their Sales & Marketing department.EDUCATION: Minimum Bachelor's degree from a four-year accredited university or college; sports industry experience preferred.SKILLS REQUIRED: The successful candidate must display excellent customer service, organizational, and computer skills. General office skills are also required. The desired candidate should also have strong initiative and be able to function without direct supervision. BASIC FUNCTION: Assist in daily operations of the ticket office, which include ticket sales, printing, and mailing. Help with management of season ticket accounts as well as sales for individual games.JOB FUNCTION: Day-to-day duties would include customer service, Reebok Arizona Cardinals Larry Fitzgerald Realtree camo Jersey
ticket sales, and money management. The candidate will be responsible for reconciling all monetary transactions that occur in a given day. Candidate must be available to work 40+ hours per week as well as all home games and extended hours when needed, including holidays.JOB DURATION: Seasonal position lasting from June 1st – January 15th, 2006 (or the completion of the 2005 Saints Season.COMPENSATION: $7.00 per hour. FUTURE POSSIBILITIES: Opportunities for fulltime employment may be presented following the 2005 football season. When New Orleans Saints head coach Jim Haslett resumed the business of making final cuts for his roster he was once again reminded of the heartbreak that has gripped his team's city. One of the players that was cut earlier this week informed Haslett that he had no place to go because of the destruction reaped by Hurricane Katrina. Haslett informed the player that he could stay in the team Hotel until a more permanent solution could be found.I can only imagine what Haslett must have felt when he was forced to cut a young man whose only glimmer of hope was to make the New Orleans Saints final roster. On top of all this, he and his players are slowly realizing the full impact that this storm will have on their season.The Saints will not be playing any home games in New Orleans this season. Their first home game of the season, against the New York Giants on September 18th, has been moved and rescheduled. It will most likely be played at Giants stadium on September 19th. The site for future home games has yet to be determined Reebok Baltimore Ravens #5 Joe Flacco Realtree camo Jersey
although at this point San Antonio seems to be the front runner.Saints' players have been given the weekend off and many of them are going to spend that time looking for friends and family or helping with the relief effort. Running back Deuce McAllister is heading to the Gulf Coast area to try and locate loved ones that are unaccounted for. Wide receiver Joe Horn is heading to Houston to try and help displaced season ticket holders and other New Orleans citizens by offering clothing, food, and other necessities.Most of the coaches and players are eager to get on the field and play football, because they feel that the New Orleans Saints can serve as a welcomed diversion from all the horror, destruction, and misery that the New Orleans community has suffered through. Hopefully, the team will use this tragedy as a rallying point and turn in a successful season for a city that has, at least temporarily, ceased to exist.


14 Jan 11 Carolina Panthers Cincinnati Bengals Preview

If you caught any highlights from that pitiful Bengals-Bucs game last weekend, then you obviously saw the atrocious roughing the passer penalty that led to the soon-to-be-fabled hookup of Gradkowski to Clayton and the winning score. Like most ardent fans of the NFL, I'm not a huge proponent of the roughing the passer flag. In my lifetime, I've probably seen 712 such penalties called, and only twice have they been for what I'd call "excessive force". Last time I checked, quarterbacks wore helmets and pads just like everybody else on the field. So why must San Diego Chargers jersey
we grant them this preferential treatment? And I realize I'm not inventing the wheel with my thoughts about this, either. It's just that what I saw on Sunday took "roughing the passer" to another dimension. For starters, Bruce Gradkowski had the ball; in fact, he fumbled the football as he was taking a sack. And it wasn't even a vicious sack. I have absolutely no idea what that ref saw or what that ref thought he saw. My best guess is that he had a few grand on the money line in favor of the Bucs and he knew the game was over if he didn't make that call. It was the most inexplicable, game-changing penalty you'll see all year. "So what does this have to do with the Carolina Panthers," you ask.Umm, pretty much everything. It was bad enough that the high-octane Cincinnati Bengals only mustered one touchdown San Francisco 49ers jersey
against the winless Buccaneers; that final series, en route to a loss, was a collective punch in the gut that football teams don't easily forget. The Bengals are a wounded animal right now, and don't think they've forgotten that home thrashing the New England Patriots handed them in Week 4, either. A talented team coming off two straight losses is not the kind of squad you want to face on the road. And this is exactly the spot that the Carolina Panthers find themselves in now.I'm not going to lie. Until Sunday's victory over the Baltimore Ravens, I was under the impression that John Fox and the Panthers had been getting it done with smoke and mirrors. The near collapse at the hands of Chris Simms and his ruptured spleen, the 0-for-11 third-down performance against the Browns: these were red flags. The Panthers were hardly convincing during their three-game winning streak. Until Sunday that is, when they torched a good Ravens 'D' for more yards than anyone else this season (Jake Delhomme led all quarterbacks with 365 yards). And if not for a couple of Seattle Seahawks jersey
reakish Mark Clayton touchdown receptions against them, the score is hardly as close as it was. However, I don't want to put too much emphasis on this win. Yes, they played well, but the Ravens' 4-1 record was not a good indication of what kind of team they really are (I still think they're highly overrated). The Panthers have a lot of work ahead of them if they want to take down the Bengals in Cincinnati. Carolina Panthers analysi


13 Jan 11 Blake Griffin Will Return Next Season With a Vengeance

Jim McIsaac/Getty ImagesThe Los Angeles Clippers are known for draft pick bust.Former college star from Oklahoma University, Blake Griffin will undergo knee surgery to repair the stress fracture and it'll lead to the ending of his season.After a test took Tuesday showed his progression wasn't going as planned, the Rookie forward pulled the plug on his season. According to many sources, Blake increased his workload in rehabilitation, but developed pain in his knee.Griffin was looking forward to make his rookie debut this season in about a week in a half. One debut the Clippers have been looking forward to for a long time. After Griffin's 13 point 8 reboundpre-season the Clippers were ready to open there season up with Blake Griffin down low, but he injured his knee in their finalpre-season game.Most Reebok Pittsburgh Steelers James Harrison Realtree camo Jersey
times when players go down early in their rookie year it hard to recover and become that player you once were. However when Blake Griffin comes off of this injury he will return better then he once was.The surgery is only going to knock him out for 4 months, giving him some extra time to get better and get after it during the off-season. After all of these months, he has been so anxious to return to the floor. So ready to help the team out and make a impact to the team.Coming off of surgery you'll see a much more improved Blake Griffin one that will be better than he was before

12 Jan 11 Orlando Magic Or Orlando Tragic? Change Needs To Happen.

Harry How/Getty ImagesJune of 2009, The Orlando Magic look like a team that will be defending Champions for year's to come with a mid-season trade bringing in a veteran and going into luxuary tax resigning Marcin Gortat and signing Brandon Basslooked very promising for the Magic but the truth of St. Louis Rams jersey
the matter is that the team is looking more like a tragic effort to buy a Championship for the city of Orlando.General Manager Otis Smith last year looked like NBA Executive of the year but now he is looking and feeling like the big "GOAT" trading away a great rookie player "Courtney Lee" and Rafer "Skiptomylou"Alston both great hustleon both sides of the courtplayer'sto the New Jersey Nets for Vince Carter and a one year guy in Ryan Anderson.Speculation's in the local radio show's are that the team has no respect for coach Van Gundy and they do not want to play for him, Dueto hisaggressive ways and him is not beinga players coach but if my memory serve's me righthe was no player's coach a season ago when the magic went to the Championship game!1/28/2010: there was report's that behind closed doors Dwight Howard told his coaches and his teammates to give him the ball he needs more touches. After going the past 80 minutes of playing time Howard only got 11 touches and he is upset and he should be.Last year the ball was going through Howard and he was setting up the passes or going to the hole and putting alot of team's big man in foul trouble and that was the formula.A team that is averaging 24 three point attempts per game and only making a1/4 of those shots is killing the Tennessee Titans jersey
teamchemistry.Quoting ESPN NFL analyst Keyshawn Johnson when he was a player forDwight Howard " GIVE ME THE DAMN BALL" and let him set the tempo,unless the team wants to go into the playoffs as a dark horse they better step it up or there will be no postseason for the Orlando Magic.

12 Jan 11 Lazy Weekend Post: NBA Trade Rumors

Elsa/Getty ImagesFebruary is upon us. This is the section of the NBA season where the exciting newness of the season wears thin and the playoffs are still far enough away to make the games feel relatively unimportant.As far as I can tell this holds true for both fans and the players themselves. Newly retired former Houston Texans jersey
players talk about knowing it was time to walk away because, while they may love the playoffs, the tedium of a road-trip in February starts to outweigh the joys of competing at the highest levels.We get a nice break from the monotony with the All-Star festivities, but even that is just one weekend.What we do have is an approaching trade deadline. It follows that we get inundated with reports of trade rumors that have little to no chance of actually materializing.Portland is involved in these as much as anyone, and for good reason. The Blazers have an active GM, an owner that has boats worth more than other NBA team owner's homes, and an apparent surplus of young talent.That isn't to say that all Blazers rumors are baseless. That leads to my next question: Which ones are reflecting the actual intentions of the franchise? If the recent big man rumors are true I'd be a little worried.In my mind this team isn't ready to shift to short-term focus yet; that's for teams that are in the immediate title hunt. This team's need for a center is short-term, right? Aren't we expecting both Oden and Przybilla back next season? Aren't we happy with both of them? Does it make sense to give up young talent to make the team a little better for the duration of this season? I would think not, with the exception of a trade that would fill the Indianapolis Colts jersey
short-term needs without much cost.Decent centers don't usually come cheap. Add an expiring contract into the mix in a climate where most teams are after expiring contracts and the cost creeps up even higher.What are your thoughts on all of this? Want Portland to make a move or stand pat? What move? Why?


10 Jan 11 Hope Can Be a Dangerous Thing

Hope Can Be A Dangerous ThingWith the New York Knicks recently trading for Tracy McGrady and sending away Nate Robinson in separate deals they are going all in on the upcoming 2011 Free Agency. By doing so, the Knicks, are set to free up another nine million dollars, which may just give them enoughReebok Green Bay Packers #12 Aaron Rodgers Realtree camo Jersey
cap space to secure that second superstar, or allow them to resign forward David Lee. We can safely say that not only all Knick fans, but the entire organization is banking on the 2011 Free Agency to turn the team around, and once again become contenders in the N.B.A. Were all hoping that the Knickerbockers can lure LeBron James and Dwyane Wade or Chris Bosh into the Garden, but the chances of that remain unknown. Will LeBron James, the Cleveland native leave his home? Will Wade leave the Miami Heat, a team where he already won a ring?By trading for McGrady, the Knicks, gave up not only the 8th pick in the 2010 draft, they also gave the Houston Rockets the right to swap first round picks in 2011 and their 2012 first round draft pick. What happens if the Knicks don get King James or D-Wade? Just recently, former Knick killer Reggie Miller said, He didn believe the Knicks would land Lebron James. And according to a source of Marc Berman from the NY Post Walsh nearly spit up his morning coffee. Walsh was so concerned, he called up his former Indiana star to find out if Miller had inside information. If the Knicks are basing their entire future on the hope that LeBron James will leave Cleveland and come to the big apple, Donnie Walsh and management are sorely mistaken. If the previous management had taught us one thing, it is not to give up everything in one deal in hope something good comes out of it. If the Knicks don land James, Wade or Bosh, theyre going to be the laughing stock of the East for years to come. Reebok Green Bay Packers #52 Clay Matthews Realtree camo Jersey
By allowing Houston to swap first this year, and giving them our first next year, the Knicks may have very well just gave Houston two top ten picks. This could be Stephon Marbury all over again. If the past has taught us one thing to the entire orange and blue faithful, it is that hope can be a dangerous thing.


9 Jan 11 Denver Nuggets' Confidence Is Usurped By The LA Lakers' Defense

Jeff Gross/Getty ImagesIt's one thing to be confident as a team in your abilities, but if Sunday night showed the Denver Nuggets anything, it's that confidence needs to result in baskets, not empty smiles or gestures.Denver failed to make it three in a row over the Los Angeles Lakers in a physical, hard fought contest the Lakers won due to their dedicated effort on the defensive end, especially in the fourth quarter.The first two meetings between the teams were defined by the Lakers' inability to slow the Nuggets down, but this game resembled more of what could be Green Bay Packers jersey
expected should the teams meet in the postseason.In the playoffs, possessions become critical so the game slows down. So in order for each team to maximize possessions, a premium is placed on quality defense and strong post play.Los Angeles was dominant in both categories when the game mattered the most as Pau Gasol and Lamar Odom combined for 35 points and 26 rebounds in a game where they controlled the paint.Ron Artest forced Carmelo Anthony into a bad shooting night, and his tight defense caused Anthony to foul out late in the game when the outcome was yet to be determined.On a night Kobe Bryant shot 3-17, the Lakers were able to turn to his talented supporting cast, and eke out a win which was needed for a team which had shown little resistance to the Nuggets in previous meetings.Bryant did have 13 assists, with many of them coming in the fourth quarter, which may be a sign that Bryant understands the importance of placing faith in the abilities of his teammates.Denver may have been done in by their over-confidence, or the Houston Texans jersey
fact their previous two wins over the Lakers had come with such ease, they saw little reason to be concerned.The various smiles of the Nuggets under-scored the playoff like atmosphere of the game, and it would serve Denver well to remember the regular season is a poor indication of how a team will perform in the postseason.Denver held a lead for much of the game, but when the momentum began to shift, there was no corresponding adjustment in the body language of the Nuggets.It was clear the defensive intensity of the game increased in the third quarter, but Denver failed to match the Lakers in that department, and the result was the Nuggets being man-handled at the end.Denver's lack of size is an issue, which is shielded when the Nuggets are able topush the tempo, but when they are forced to play a half court game, that deficiency is illuminated.The 95-89 loss dropped the Nuggets five and a half games behind the Lakers in the West, and decreased their lead over the Dallas Mavericks to only a half of a game.Denver finds itself in a precarious position because Indianapolis Colts jersey
until now there had been little doubt as to who the second best team in the West was, but now they must put the smiles away, and garner their game faces.The Nuggets have the talent and the experience to go deep into the postseason, but they may need tobecome more dedicated in their efforts before they find themselves slipping down the ladder in the convoluted West.For the Lakers, it was another example of the talent which encompasses the team, and their ability to find a way to win despite a bad night from their superstar.It bodes well for their prospects going forward.


8 Jan 11 NBA Draft 2010: Five Prospects the Utah Jazz Need To Watch in March

Chris Trotman/Getty ImagesThe Utah Jazz talent evaluators and every other NBA scouting department will be on full alert this month, as they attemptto grade, appraise, andscrutinizethe top NBA prospects in the country.All in preparation for this summer pro draft. The NCAA Tournament is "money time"for thetopHouston Texans jersey
college basketball playersentering the draft. Their stock will riseor fall over the "forty minutes of hell" it usually takes to decide who moves on and who goes home.For Jazz fans, this year tournament is more than just a good excuse to play hooky from work. It achance toglimpse the future,hone in onthe best playeravailable forUtah lottery pick.Here my line of thinking Jazz fans: Lottery picks donoften come tosuccessful NBA franchisesso don screw it up Utah.Now who will the Jazz target with their rare lotto pick? Well, that will largely be determined by where New York finishes in the final standings. The Knicks (24-44) are currently tied with Philadelphia for the eighth worst record in the league, which could translate into a top 10 draft pick for the Jazz.On the other hand, if the ping-pong balls fall Utah way, the teamcould be looking at consensus No. 1 pick John Wall from Kentucky.Regardless of how it plays out, Utah will still have a good pick and chance to climb into elite company, via thedraftbut only if the franchise can identify and select the right player.The Jazz have to be thinking bigKentucky center DeMarcus Cousins and Georgetown power forward Greg Monroe are both considered to be top 10 selections. Finding out who fits the Jazz system best is the task at hand for Utah general manager Kevin OConnor and his team of scouts.The NCAA Tournament has become a spring board for prospects to get notice. Nobody will forget Andre Miller leading the Cinderella Utes on a roller-coaster ride to the championship game in 1998.Nor will they forget Christian Laettner buzzer beater against Kentucky in the 1992 NCAA regional final. It remembered as one of the greatest clutch shots in tournament history and it made Laettner a rich man.So Jazz fans, my recommendation is to sit back, relax, and keep a sharp eye out for these five players. Because one of them could be wearing a Jazz uniform next season.Greg Monroe, GeorgetownOne of the most interesting players on the board, at 610 and 247 pounds, Monroe is being called a poor man Lamar Odom.The Hoyas run their Princeton-style offense through Monroe, which means the left hander must have great court vision, be an excellent ball handler, and be a versatile offensive player.The Jazz would be a nice fit for Monroe skill set. He could easily adapt to Jerry Sloan pick-and-roll offense. The power forward is only a sophomore but he got great potentialaveraging 16 points and nine rebounds this season.Scouts say he must become more assertive in games and look to dominate more; Indianapolis Colts jersey
Monroe was way too passive for his ability. The Hoyas forward should receive plenty of attention from OConnor andaccording to several mock drafts, Monroeshouldbethere when the Jazz draft.Wesley Johnson, SyracuseHe compared to former NBA great, Alex English. The small-forward became a scoring machine for Big East champion Syracuse. Everything about Johnson game has a smooth feel to it. He has a great mid-range jumper and moves well without the ball.He well coached by Jim Boeheim andhas a ready made game for the NBA.The only knock on the 67, 205 pound junior is his weight. He needs to gain some muscle if he going to compete at the next level.NBAdraft.net has Johnson stock on the rise.He shot 39 percent from three-point range and averaged 16 points per game. Johnson made his mark by out dueling Villanova Scottie Reynolds for Big East Player of the Year.He a lock to be drafted in the top five.Derrick Favors, Georgia TechThe superior athletic ability of this 69 power forward propelled the Yellow Jackets to the ACC Championship Game and turned Georgia Tech into a worthy NCAA team.Only a freshman, Favors is tough in the post and a vacuum on the boards. He averaging 12 points and eight rebounds in the basketball hot-bed of the Atlantic Coast Conference.Defensively, he a decent shot blocker, averaging two blocks per game. Lots of potential here; scouts liken him to Al Horford.Favors is projected to be the top forward in the draft and could go as high as No. 3 overall.DeMarcus Cousins, KentuckySome say the freshman stock is sinking. Still, if the 611 center helps the Wildcats to a national title, he could be back on the rise.The Cats center can score easily on the blocks, with a variety post moves. He averaged 15 points and 10 rebounds for John Calipari team.On the downside, the jury is still out on his ability to score against NBA talent. It great to beat the competition in the SEC, but can he do it against the likes of Andrew Bynum, Dwight Howard, or even Andrew Bogut?Scouts also question his conditioning. The big man has a bad habit of disappearing in games. At one point, Cousins was projected in the top five, but his stock has taken a nose dive because of questions regarding his conditioning or lack there of.Cole Aldrich, KansasPerhaps the best all-around center in college basketball, Aldrich is a good athlete, with a lot of upside. At 611 the Kansas center has command of the paint, averaging nearly three blocks per game.He played well as a sophomore, but now appears ready to compete at the NBA level. He Jacksonville Jaguars jersey
a fundamentally sound player, with a knack of getting the ball in the hoop. Aldrich shot 60 percent from the field, and averaged 11 points and nine rebounds as a junior.His demeanor is that of Tim Duncan but his ability is closer to that of Joel Pryzbilla. He still needs to bulk up to reach his full potential. At 245 pounds, the Jayhawks center is still too lean to dominate the paint.